:: Environment DB2 V7.1.1 on Z/OS. ::
I am looking for a sql query that would return rows 20 through 30 of a query.
For example
select * from ( select a.*, rownum rnum from (select job, empno from emp order job asc) a )where rnum>=20 and rnum<30
This is in oracle, but is there a way to do this using db2 v7.1.1 on zos?
Please let me know, I have been looking for this for a while now and have come to believe that there is no solution to this.
I am looking for a sql query that would return rows 20 through 30 of a query.
For example
select * from ( select a.*, rownum rnum from (select job, empno from emp order job asc) a )where rnum>=20 and rnum<30
This is in oracle, but is there a way to do this using db2 v7.1.1 on zos?
Please let me know, I have been looking for this for a while now and have come to believe that there is no solution to this.