I have to save a Pagemaker 6.5 document to a floppy for the printer but the file is 1.9M.
When I zip it is only goes down to 1.5M still too large for 1.4M floppy.
What can I do?
Is it a multiple page layout. If so you can make two files by deleting an amount of pages and do a save as. reopen the original file and delete the other part and redo the save as.
If it is a single page file you can zip the file to several floppy's. Don't know the exact command it is, but I know it is possible
Can your printer accept it by email? Otherwise, PKZip has a way to zip files onto multiple disks, if I am not mistaken. When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
Thanks. It is a two page document that I already split but it was still too big. I am goign to see if I can just e-mail it to the printer. Thanks again.
Go to Utilities>Plugins and then Global Link Options.
Select All Pages, then uncheck Store copy in pub.
Save the file and then the publication should be a bit smaller, whereas you can put the publication on one floppy and then put the graphics on another.
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