I produce a monthly newsletter using p65 and have until recently been able to generate PDFs for each newsletter.
This month I changed some fonts and was then unable to get a PS file created.
Have since generated a test page with fonts that have worked in the past, have re-installed, P65, Acrobat and Distiller to no avail. Not able to get a PDF created for any file old or new.
I have no idea what has happened or what other things I can do to resolve my dilema.
Any help would be appreciated.
Aunt Bob
This month I changed some fonts and was then unable to get a PS file created.
Have since generated a test page with fonts that have worked in the past, have re-installed, P65, Acrobat and Distiller to no avail. Not able to get a PDF created for any file old or new.
I have no idea what has happened or what other things I can do to resolve my dilema.
Any help would be appreciated.
Aunt Bob