I've got an HTML document consisting of a number of tables of varying height. When the document is printed, tables invariably end up starting on one page and finishing on the next. I don't want a pagebreak after every table as some might only have a few lines and it might be possible to get five or six tables on a page before a break is necessary.
If I placed a tickbox after each table which the user could tick if they wanted a pagebreak at that point, how do I then 'convert' the ticked boxes into pagebreaks? Or - dream scenario - is it possible to automatically pagebreak so that tables never get split up if they don't fit on a page?
- Andy
If a man speaks in a forest and there are no women around to hear him - will he still be wrong?
If I placed a tickbox after each table which the user could tick if they wanted a pagebreak at that point, how do I then 'convert' the ticked boxes into pagebreaks? Or - dream scenario - is it possible to automatically pagebreak so that tables never get split up if they don't fit on a page?
- Andy
If a man speaks in a forest and there are no women around to hear him - will he still be wrong?