I have a word97 doc with bookmark / links which has been converted to a pdf doc using distiller.
Then ftp'd to my web server.
When the user displays the file, it is displayed at 119% which is good. Then the user clicks on a link which takes them to a location within the same document. After the link is clicked the page is displayed at 56% which is to small.
Where is this controlled and why is it happening ? I want the entire document to display at 119%.
Thank you for any suggestions
Then ftp'd to my web server.
When the user displays the file, it is displayed at 119% which is good. Then the user clicks on a link which takes them to a location within the same document. After the link is clicked the page is displayed at 56% which is to small.
Where is this controlled and why is it happening ? I want the entire document to display at 119%.
Thank you for any suggestions