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Page Rank

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Technical User
Dec 28, 2005

I have a problem here...all my pages on my site is ranked zero and I would obviously like for it to go higher (I guess that's everybody's goal - :)). The site is very young (problem number one)...about two months old. Here are the things that I have done in order to optimize the pages on the site:

1) My keywords are included in <h1>, <h2>, <h3> tags as well as in the text itself...though I am careful not to do any "keyword stuffing".

2) My pictures all have an "alt" where it has my keywords in them.

3) I submitted my sitemap to Google.

4) I have gone to different forums many times and put what I have to say - then leave a link to my site. These pages on the forums are relatively ranked higher than mine. I also look at the forum's code and make sure they don't have any - rel="nofollow". The forums that do, I don't even bother to post (except for one or two).

5) All my outbound links I have it as rel="external nofollow".

6) I have a lot of text on most pages for the spiders to chew up (w/ keywords).

7) Yes...I have submitted my site to dmoz.org - I will be sumbitting it to other directories.

8) I haven't swapped links w/ anyother webmaster yet...I'm not worried about that since it's very hard to get someone from a higher page rank to swap.

9) My code is just (X)HTML and CSS. No tables. No Flash. Hardly any Javascript since spiders get tripped up on that.

I believe that's it. Also, I can type my site name in the google search box and it is there...so the site is indexed. But again, all my pages are ranked 0. Am I being too impatient since the site is only 6-8 weeks old?

Also, unfortunately, I really don't feel comfortable giving out the name of my site since it is about politics and leans to one side of the political spectrum...and I don't want to make any enemies in here. Politics really divides people, so therefor, I'm not going to offend anyone, at least not here.

I know...you'll ask how you're going to know what's wrong with my site since you can't see it...then tell you what - I guess it comes down to this one basic question - How do I get my pages on my site to rank? I guess it comes down to that question. Thank you.
Without looking at the site, I'd say you're just being impatient. Google is only updating toolbar page rank quarterly or semi annually (don't remember which since I don't care) at this point. Give it time and focus your attention on creating the best site you can for your visitors.
That's what I thought. I have to develop this thing into a megasite. I know that I have to write and write and write...

Thanks for your response.

If anyone else has a pointer or two...would be glad to hear from you.

Pagerank is purely a measure of how many sites link to you, and what their pagerank is. It won't be affected by heading elements, sitemaps and other such stuff - though it makes sense to do those things for other reasons.

Your site probably does have some PR, but you won't know about it. The PR value that you see on the toolbar is an approximation of the value that Google uses, and it's only updated every few months.

Frankly, it's really not worth obsessing about PR. It's only one of the factors Google uses when ordering its search results, and not even the most important one. Concentrate on producing good content and on getting known in your chosen field. PR will come in time.

-- Chris Hunt
Webmaster & Tragedian
Extra Connections Ltd
Are you using your meta tags? (keyword and description) They may not be the biggest seo factor these days but they can still be a very important factor.

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Sounds like your doing the right things, and just need more time.

PageRank is measured by the number and quality (pagerank of page linking to your page) of inbound links.

I'd suggest you make sure your site is included in directories (like you stated, you added to dmoz) and as you mentioned, post your link at the bottom of forum replies, topics, etc.

I would also add your urllist.txt to Yahoo and examine where your competitors are linking through Yahoo site explorer.


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Pagerank doesn’t matter anymore. It used to be a measure of a websites status/strength in the search engines, but now it doesn’t really hold any weight
Pagerank was never "a measure of a websites status/strength in the search engines". It's a measure of the number of sites that link to you, and the number of sites that link to them, and so on.

Google used that as a proxy for measuring the "status/strength" of a website, because there's no way that a computer program can assess the quality of a page. The assumption was that people tend not to link to rubbish.

Since Google's launch, people have increasingly tried to game the system - spamming the web with links in the hope of raising their PR and their position in the SERPs.

For that reason, PR is less important than it once was - it's just one of many factors involved in determining ranking. It's still an important element of your SEO strategy though.

-- Chris Hunt
Webmaster & Tragedian
Extra Connections Ltd
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