This is a weird situation here. An user has been wandering around our intranet, which is built with frames. He comes to a page he likes, and adds it to favorites. NOw, when he loads this page from favorites, it shows up nice and quick with no problems.
But in the upper frame (which is the same in every page on the intranet) is a link, wherefrom you get back to the mainpage. When this user clicks the link, it only reloads the page he has, but doesn't take him anywhere. it also changes the URL in the URL field from whole path to just the main URL. After reloading the page, it also moves everything in it one row lower.
Second click from the link then takes him to the mainsite, as it should.
I tried the same on my computer, but I saw no problem. This anonymous unlucky user has IE5 as browser and win98 as OS. The HTML in pages is correct.
I'm sorry if this was messy and weird question, but it really bothers me. If you know anything I could check or do to fix the problem, please tell! (it has been this user's problem for a year now..
This is a weird situation here. An user has been wandering around our intranet, which is built with frames. He comes to a page he likes, and adds it to favorites. NOw, when he loads this page from favorites, it shows up nice and quick with no problems.
But in the upper frame (which is the same in every page on the intranet) is a link, wherefrom you get back to the mainpage. When this user clicks the link, it only reloads the page he has, but doesn't take him anywhere. it also changes the URL in the URL field from whole path to just the main URL. After reloading the page, it also moves everything in it one row lower.
Second click from the link then takes him to the mainsite, as it should.
I tried the same on my computer, but I saw no problem. This anonymous unlucky user has IE5 as browser and win98 as OS. The HTML in pages is correct.
I'm sorry if this was messy and weird question, but it really bothers me. If you know anything I could check or do to fix the problem, please tell! (it has been this user's problem for a year now..