Hello, I'd like to display an image or message to let visitors know a page is opening.
I've got some Javascript which in theory hides a layer once the page ready state is completed. However, even using Response.Flush (with Buffer = TRUE) the content is all released in one go, so the layer only displays very briefly.
Is there another technique to display part of a page whilst the rest is generated. My page includes 2 large chunks of looping code and it would be nice to display something before these are reached.
Any ideas gratefully received...
I've got some Javascript which in theory hides a layer once the page ready state is completed. However, even using Response.Flush (with Buffer = TRUE) the content is all released in one go, so the layer only displays very briefly.
Is there another technique to display part of a page whilst the rest is generated. My page includes 2 large chunks of looping code and it would be nice to display something before these are reached.
Any ideas gratefully received...