Page header Section of report
bfw total: 300.00
current day total:200.00
Grand total :500.00
Detail section of report
today 100.00
today 100.00
records in the table
date amount
date 1 100.00
date 2 200.00
today 100.00
today 100.00
Hi all
I am trying to get the above senario replicated in crystal reports 8.0. The brought forward total is a summary of date 1 and date 2 amounts (i.e. 300.00). Today's total is a summary of the today's date totals (i.e. 200.00). The bfw total, the today's total and the grand total have to be placed in the page header section. However the detail section must have the individual records for today. I am getting trouble getting the bfw total when using a filter condition for the today's transaction. How is it possible to produce this type of report? If I am not clear I will be glad to try explaining some more. Thank you
bfw total: 300.00
current day total:200.00
Grand total :500.00
Detail section of report
today 100.00
today 100.00
records in the table
date amount
date 1 100.00
date 2 200.00
today 100.00
today 100.00
Hi all
I am trying to get the above senario replicated in crystal reports 8.0. The brought forward total is a summary of date 1 and date 2 amounts (i.e. 300.00). Today's total is a summary of the today's date totals (i.e. 200.00). The bfw total, the today's total and the grand total have to be placed in the page header section. However the detail section must have the individual records for today. I am getting trouble getting the bfw total when using a filter condition for the today's transaction. How is it possible to produce this type of report? If I am not clear I will be glad to try explaining some more. Thank you