I must to correct an error with the page counter in a very complex report, with many subreport inside this report, and some of this subreports have other subreports. The problem is that in the page preview option, you see the report incomplete, at the detail section doesn't show all the registers. And for an example, I see only 7 pages, but when I send to print the report, I obtain 8 pages, and the page counter shows the page "7 of 7", and the page "8 of 7". If I don't choose the preview option, only the print option, the problem is the same.
I think that the printer could be the reason, but when I select the PostScript or the Normal driver, doesn't correct the problem. I need to find the cause of the problem, but if you can help me with a function to calculate the pages in the format PAGE M OF N, I will appreciate it so much!
The three "Access gurus" at my job can't find the reason, and they had said that "it's the most mysterious thing that they have seen"... help me!
I think that the printer could be the reason, but when I select the PostScript or the Normal driver, doesn't correct the problem. I need to find the cause of the problem, but if you can help me with a function to calculate the pages in the format PAGE M OF N, I will appreciate it so much!
The three "Access gurus" at my job can't find the reason, and they had said that "it's the most mysterious thing that they have seen"... help me!