Using Crystal 10.
In a report I need a page break on every 23rd record. There are no Groupings in this report and I have tried the following code in the Section Expert (New Page After):
However, due to other formulas, the Record Number is not always shown as 1,2,3, etc and so although the displayed results are grouped in 23's there isn't necessarily always 23 records on each page.
Any ideas please?
Thanks in advance,
In a report I need a page break on every 23rd record. There are no Groupings in this report and I have tried the following code in the Section Expert (New Page After):
not (onfirstrecord) and (RecordNumber MOD 23) = 0
However, due to other formulas, the Record Number is not always shown as 1,2,3, etc and so although the displayed results are grouped in 23's there isn't necessarily always 23 records on each page.
Any ideas please?
Thanks in advance,