I have the following code that creates the body of an outlook mail message. I want to be able to insert a page break for printing. I have searched but cannot find the HTML code that works. Any ideas?
'Create email message and attach data from recordset
Set oLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oLook.CreateItem(0)
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'Create body using HTML tags and recordset
'create table, image, and hyperlink
'bodytext = bodytext & "<img src='C:\temp\GPS Logo.jpg' />" & "<br>" 'adds image from location on pc
bodytext = bodytext & "<img src='\\Test\test\GPS Logo.jpg' />" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "<a href='#English'>English</a>" & "<br>" ' creates link to bookmark in email message
bodytext = bodytext & "<b>" & "Responses for " & rs![_Name] & "</b>" & "<br>" & "</table>" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "The following answers range from a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "Question 2: The way my manager provides feedback makes me want to receive feedback more frequently: " & rs![Open_To_MoreFeedback1-5] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "Question 3: The way my manager provides feedback helps to increase my level of performance: " & rs![Increase_Level_1-5] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "Question 4: The way my manager provides feedback inspires me to apply what I have learned from my successes and failures: " & rs![Apply_1-5] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & rs![Comment03] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & rs![Comment04] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & rs![Comment05] & "<br>" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "<a name='English'>English</a>" & "<br>" 'creates bookmark in email message
'Create email message and attach data from recordset
Set oLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oLook.CreateItem(0)
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'Create body using HTML tags and recordset
'create table, image, and hyperlink
'bodytext = bodytext & "<img src='C:\temp\GPS Logo.jpg' />" & "<br>" 'adds image from location on pc
bodytext = bodytext & "<img src='\\Test\test\GPS Logo.jpg' />" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "<a href='#English'>English</a>" & "<br>" ' creates link to bookmark in email message
bodytext = bodytext & "<b>" & "Responses for " & rs![_Name] & "</b>" & "<br>" & "</table>" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "The following answers range from a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree)" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "Question 2: The way my manager provides feedback makes me want to receive feedback more frequently: " & rs![Open_To_MoreFeedback1-5] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "Question 3: The way my manager provides feedback helps to increase my level of performance: " & rs![Increase_Level_1-5] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "Question 4: The way my manager provides feedback inspires me to apply what I have learned from my successes and failures: " & rs![Apply_1-5] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & rs![Comment03] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & rs![Comment04] & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & rs![Comment05] & "<br>" & "<br>"
bodytext = bodytext & "<a name='English'>English</a>" & "<br>" 'creates bookmark in email message