I have a form with an option group with 8 option buttons. The first options is the primary key and choices 2-8 are other fields. If a user selects option 1 (primary key) to sort by, it opens a report based off of a simple query and feeds the information in order by the option group selection. should the user select #'s 2-8 to sort by, it will sort by the user's choice (#2-8) and then by option 1. I am having trouble figuring out how to page break after each sort(keep all #2 sorted and on same page). For example, a user selects #2 (sort by team). I have the report opening up the list sorted by #2 (team) and then by #1 (id number). I would like it to page break after each different #2 (every team grouped together on same page - new team, new page). I have tried using a page break module, but I cannot get it to work. i have attempted the keeptogether property & can't get it to work. Can anyone offer a solution?