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Padding zeros in front of qty field

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May 23, 2002
I'm writing a script where I'm reading a file to extract needed information that will be used to crate another file that will be loaded into our M/F system. The file I'm reading has a qty associated with each record. When I'm creating my driver file for the M/F, they request that this qty field be padded with zeros. Here is some examples:

Source File Value Driver File Value needed

27 000027
134 000134
1005 001005

It has to have a length of 6 with padded zero's, is their an easy way to do this. I was looking at evaluating the length of the read qty, then figure my output based on that...

An easy way is to use awk's printf statement:

awk ' {
printf("%06d\n", $0)
} ' data.file

I'm assuming your data.file is 1 column with the required number.


you could do it with perl as well

eval 'exec /usr/opt/perl5/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
# this emulates #! processing on NIH machines.
# (remove #! line above if indigestible)

eval '$'.$1.'$2;' while $ARGV[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z_0-9]+=)(.*)/ && shift;
# process any FOO=bar switches

while (<>) {
chomp; # strip record separator
if ($awk) {
printf &quot;%06d\n&quot;, $_;
print $_ if $data . . $file;
} --
| Mike Nixon
| Unix Admin
| ----------------------------
a korn shell solution:
typeset -RZ6 newvariable=${oldvariable}
This will right justify, zero fill, with length of 6
Hope this helps.
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