I'm writing a script where I'm reading a file to extract needed information that will be used to crate another file that will be loaded into our M/F system. The file I'm reading has a qty associated with each record. When I'm creating my driver file for the M/F, they request that this qty field be padded with zeros. Here is some examples:
Source File Value Driver File Value needed
27 000027
134 000134
1005 001005
It has to have a length of 6 with padded zero's, is their an easy way to do this. I was looking at evaluating the length of the read qty, then figure my output based on that...
Source File Value Driver File Value needed
27 000027
134 000134
1005 001005
It has to have a length of 6 with padded zero's, is their an easy way to do this. I was looking at evaluating the length of the read qty, then figure my output based on that...