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Pad Right

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Aug 22, 2001
I have a function which puts zero's in front of my data. The number of zero's is based of the length I specify. Here's the function:

Function Pad(strText, nLen, strChar, bFront)
Dim nStartLen
If strChar = "" Then
strChar = "0"
End If
nStartLen = Len(strText)
If Len(strText) >= nLen Then
Pad = strText
If bFront Then
Pad = String(nLen - Len(strText), strChar) & strText
Pad = strText & String(nLen - Len(strText), strChar)
End If
End If
End Function

Here's the code that Pad's the zero's in front.

iCheckNumber = Pad(Replace(CStr(Request.Form("CheckNumber")), ".", ""), 9, "0", True)

so if my check number entered in the form was 243 then the Pad function would add the zero's to make it look like the following: 000000243

What I want is for the first six zero's to be blank spaces and then 243 so it would be like " 243" without the ""

Use this:
iCheckNumber = Pad(Replace(CStr(Request.Form("CheckNumber")), ".", ""), 9, " ", True)

[red]"... isn't sanity really just a one trick pony anyway?! I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you are good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit!" - The Tick[/red]
or better:
If strChar = "" Then
strChar = " "
End If

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
HTML will only display one space regardless of how many are in the string so;
response.write ShowSpaces(PadSpacesToLen("str",9,true))
response.write ShowSpaces(PadSpaces("str",9,true))

function PadSpaces(strIn,intPadNum,bFront)
if bFront then
     PadSpaces = space(intPadNum) & strIn
     PadSpaces = strIn & space(intPadNum)
end if
end function

function PadSpacesToLen(strIn,intLen,bFront)
intPadNum = intLen - Len(strIn)
if bFront then
     PadSpacesToLen = space(intPadNum) & strIn
     PadSpacesToLen = strIn & space(intPadNum)
end if
end function

function ShowSpaces(strIn)
ShowSpaces = replace(strIn," "," ")
end function


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So long, and thanks for all the fish.
This is what I had:

iCheckNumber = Pad(Replace(CStr(Request.Form("CheckNumber")), ".", ""), 9, "0", True)

This works perfectly:

iCheckNumber = Pad(Replace(CStr(Request.Form("CheckNumber")), ".", ""), 9, " ", False)

All I had to do was replace the "0" with " "
And True to False
if your function is still being grumpy.. and if you'd like to be able to use zeros instead of spaces

Function Padder(Source,PaddedLen,PadChar,PadFront)
    If Len(PadChar) > 1 Then Exit Function
    If PadChar = "" Then
        PadChar = " "
    End If
    If IsNull(PadFront) Then
        PadFront = False ' defaults to padding the right or back side.
    End If
    Padder = Source
    For PadPos = Len(Source) To PaddedLen - 1
        If Not PadFront Then
            Padder = Padder & PadChar
            Padder = PadChar & Padder
        End If
End Function

aKa - Robert
Argh, for loop, bleh ;)
Plus you have an error condition in there...

The original function is still probably a little faster (using the String() method).


[sub]01000111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01000011 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01100101 00111111[/sub]
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