I have a client that has a Partner ACS R7. Extension 14 was complaining of static. I was going to be on-site adding a 308EC so I told them I'd check it out when I was there. I put the 308EC in and then went to check x14, the static was gone. About 2 weeks after that, the static was back. I swapped the handset/curly cord (not the whole phone) and the static went away again. About 2 weeks later it was back. I switched phones with another phone that was known working. The issue did not come back (I kept them switched for over 2 weeks). I decided to repair the phone as the person who had the original phone said static was now on his phone- makes sense it is the phone. I gave them a temporary phone and there was no issue with the temporary phone either (the repair took over 3 weeks). They couldn't find anything wrong with the phone sent for repair so they sent a replacement phone instead. That phone has now been installed for over a month with no issue. Yesterday I received a call that the static is back.
In my experience, static on a port is usually pretty consistent when it comes. And usually spreads gradually to other ports. No one else has an issue. Has anyone else seen a port fail in this manner? I am going to go out with a spare phone again today to let them use to see if it happens on that phone, but wanted to see is anyone else has seen a Partner port fail in this fashion.
In my experience, static on a port is usually pretty consistent when it comes. And usually spreads gradually to other ports. No one else has an issue. Has anyone else seen a port fail in this manner? I am going to go out with a spare phone again today to let them use to see if it happens on that phone, but wanted to see is anyone else has seen a Partner port fail in this fashion.