Crystal Reports 8.5 is on a Terminal Server so that all my users can run CR reports.
Every user has a directory and file as follows:
C:\documents and settings\username\windows\crystal\p2bbtrv.dll.
one of my users is getting a couple of error messages from Crystal Reports when he tries to run a report.
1) The library "p2bbtrv.dll" cannot be found.
please check your installation.
2) Cannot open database
3) Physical database not found.
this is the only user that is having an issue.
I have renamed his Documents and Setting folder and when he logs in later today into the terminal server, he is going to try running a couple of reports. I was thinking maybe his ntuser.dat maybe corrupted that is why I renamed his folder. Or is there another reason as to why he is getting those error messages.
Every user has a directory and file as follows:
C:\documents and settings\username\windows\crystal\p2bbtrv.dll.
one of my users is getting a couple of error messages from Crystal Reports when he tries to run a report.
1) The library "p2bbtrv.dll" cannot be found.
please check your installation.
2) Cannot open database
3) Physical database not found.
this is the only user that is having an issue.
I have renamed his Documents and Setting folder and when he logs in later today into the terminal server, he is going to try running a couple of reports. I was thinking maybe his ntuser.dat maybe corrupted that is why I renamed his folder. Or is there another reason as to why he is getting those error messages.