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p[rogramatic error on query

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Jan 27, 2003
I have a query designed programmatical to retrieve names out of a database based on a month selected combo box. I receive the below error if a month is selected that has no names associated with it:

The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting producted the following error:

The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure].
There may have been an error evaluating the function, event or macro.

I want the code to be able to know if there are no names assocaitated with a given month selected that message box will appear letting the user know that.

my code is below:

Dim db As Database
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strVAR As String
Dim stridowner As String
Dim X As Integer

If Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "January" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "February" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "March" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "April" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "May" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "June" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "July" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "August" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "September" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "October" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "November" Or Me.cmbdatephase.Value = "December" Then

cmbowners.Value = "Select Owner"
For X = 1 To cmbowners.ListCount
cmbowners.RemoveItem (cmbowners.ListCount - 1)
Next X
cmbowners.AddItem ("Select Owner")

Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
strSQL = "Select distinct txtidowner FROM SAPLOG WHERE initialreviewphase='" & cmbdatephase.Value & "' AND expire=0"

Set rs = cnn.Execute(strSQL)


Do While Not rs.EOF

strVAR = rs.Fields(0).Value


cmbowners.AddItem Chr(34) & strVAR & Chr(34)


Set rs = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
MsgBox "ID Owners retreived for reivew month: " & cmbdatephase.Value & ". Please select ID Owner from list and click send email reports button."
cmbdatephase.Locked = True
MsgBox "Please select a Month to review."
End If
You may try something like this:
Set rs = cnn.Execute(strSQL)
If rs.BOF Or es.EOF Then
MsgBox "No record found"
Exit Sub
End If

Hope This Helps, PH.
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