OzJpetsotre 2.0 is available on
If you want to write robust web application on struts, and not want to have complex development and support, please see its implementation. You will see its library and practice simpify your work. Can you imagine only path and forward information is required in action-mapping in struts-config.xml with OzStruts 1.8?
-------(OzStruts 1.8)-------------
1. Spring integration for FoemBean (OzPage) creation
2. URL based FormBean (OzPage) Locator
3. Default action assignment
With these, struts-config only defines action-mapping, which contains "path" attribute and "<forward>" element only. This makes struts-config more simple and readable. and Spring integration gives us a freedom of configuration of OzPage reference resolution.
OzJpetstore 2.0 (actually 2.0.1) shows how to apply OzStruts and Spring in real application with OzStruts' best practice that makes your code much simpler and maintainable.
Now there is no difference in programming model between OzStruts' sample and OzJpetsore.
2.0 is truly a real web application sample, including:
* OzStruts best practice is applied
* PRG (Post Redirect get) pattern is allpied
Todo list for 2.x
* Tiles
* Replace iBatis PagenatedList with pagenatedQuery
* Eliminate presentation.model package to simplify programming
Please see how easy you can create java web application with OzStruts + Spring.
If you want to write robust web application on struts, and not want to have complex development and support, please see its implementation. You will see its library and practice simpify your work. Can you imagine only path and forward information is required in action-mapping in struts-config.xml with OzStruts 1.8?
-------(OzStruts 1.8)-------------
1. Spring integration for FoemBean (OzPage) creation
2. URL based FormBean (OzPage) Locator
3. Default action assignment
With these, struts-config only defines action-mapping, which contains "path" attribute and "<forward>" element only. This makes struts-config more simple and readable. and Spring integration gives us a freedom of configuration of OzPage reference resolution.
OzJpetstore 2.0 (actually 2.0.1) shows how to apply OzStruts and Spring in real application with OzStruts' best practice that makes your code much simpler and maintainable.
Now there is no difference in programming model between OzStruts' sample and OzJpetsore.
2.0 is truly a real web application sample, including:
* OzStruts best practice is applied
* PRG (Post Redirect get) pattern is allpied
Todo list for 2.x
* Tiles
* Replace iBatis PagenatedList with pagenatedQuery
* Eliminate presentation.model package to simplify programming
Please see how easy you can create java web application with OzStruts + Spring.