I am running Exchange 5.5 on my internal network. I have a multi-homed proxy 2.0 server setup with direct internet connection. OWA is serviced by the Proxy by connecting and getting info from the Exchange server. This was operable for a long period. I then installed RAS/VPN and (with a seperate purpose) PcAnywhere 9.0 on the Proxy server. When logging into OWA, the user now receives the message "Could not connect to Exchange server, Server_Name" after having entered their user name and password. Nothing is written to my Event logs. The MS Knowledge base states that this error is recieved when the IUSR_Server account does not have proper access to the inetpub directory. However, I did not change the permissions on any folders. I don't even know where to start my troubleshooting at this point. Any help (even brainstorms) is appreciated.