Hello everyone. I recently found a problem when I setup exchange server 2003. When I am in OWA remotely and someone either posts a message to a public folder, makes an appointment request, or anything of that nature, with a . at the end of the subject line it won't resolve and gives an error page instead of being able to see the message that person posted.
For example someone sent me a meeting request with the subject line: Need to talk about exchange...
I tried to open up that email and I get an error page inside the message pane "Page cannot be found".
It doesn't matter how many dot's I use it still doesn't work.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
By the way it works internally fine, only when I am outside of my network does it have this issue.
For example someone sent me a meeting request with the subject line: Need to talk about exchange...
I tried to open up that email and I get an error page inside the message pane "Page cannot be found".
It doesn't matter how many dot's I use it still doesn't work.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
By the way it works internally fine, only when I am outside of my network does it have this issue.