I need to override a specific method which is subclassed pretty far down.
I am calling this function...
I can only override this function in the file where the original call is made to IPlan myPlan = PlanFactory.getPlan("foobar").
Can I do it?
Can someone provide me any examples?
I figured it would look something along the lines of...
typedef map<GiantX,gold, less<std::shortestpathtogold> > AwesomeMap;
I need to override a specific method which is subclassed pretty far down.
I am calling this function...
IPlan myPlan = PlanFactory.getPlan("foobar");
return Plan.getInstance( aPlanId );
plan = new Plan(planId);
singleton = new PlanDataCache();
PlanDataCache dataCache = PlanDataCache.getInstance();
planDataCacheData.setPlanData( mPlanDataCacheData.loadBackendPlanData());
[b]LD11Data loadBackendPlanData() throws Exception[/b]
[green]//Do some stuff...[/green]
I can only override this function in the file where the original call is made to IPlan myPlan = PlanFactory.getPlan("foobar").
Can I do it?
Can someone provide me any examples?
I figured it would look something along the lines of...
IPlan myPlan = PlanFactory.getPlan("foobar")
[b]LD11Data loadBackendPlanData() throws Exception[/b]
[green]//Do some other stuff...[/green]
typedef map<GiantX,gold, less<std::shortestpathtogold> > AwesomeMap;