I have been spinning my wheels on the following problem for a couple of days. I am hoping someone will be able to help me or point me in the right direction. I have a report that gets its data from a query. The query joins a header and line item table together. The header table has a field called harbor maintenance fee. This fee is calculated based on the sum of the line items. My report is a tabular report. I would like to display the harbor maintenance fee on the first line item for each document and show 0 for the remaining line items. Currently, the harbor maintenance fee is showing on every line item. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this feat? The format is kind of weird, but that is what I've been asked to supply. I tried using IIF, but I did not know how to check to see if the document changed. Thank you for your time and all your help.
Document Classification US$ Harbor Maintenance
123 9027.90.5450 $123 $15
123 9027.91.5450 $223 $0
234 9027.90.5450 $413 $25
234 9027.91.5450 $125 $0
I have been spinning my wheels on the following problem for a couple of days. I am hoping someone will be able to help me or point me in the right direction. I have a report that gets its data from a query. The query joins a header and line item table together. The header table has a field called harbor maintenance fee. This fee is calculated based on the sum of the line items. My report is a tabular report. I would like to display the harbor maintenance fee on the first line item for each document and show 0 for the remaining line items. Currently, the harbor maintenance fee is showing on every line item. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this feat? The format is kind of weird, but that is what I've been asked to supply. I tried using IIF, but I did not know how to check to see if the document changed. Thank you for your time and all your help.
Document Classification US$ Harbor Maintenance
123 9027.90.5450 $123 $15
123 9027.91.5450 $223 $0
234 9027.90.5450 $413 $25
234 9027.91.5450 $125 $0