I inadvertantly set my Control Panel/Display/Settings screen size numbers to too large a number. Now the "OK" and "Apply" buttons on the bottom of the screen are unaccessible. How can I get at them?
Get a bigger monitor (ha,hah). You can use the TAB key to scroll the buttons. You can also right click the Taskbar, properties, auto hide- this will remove the taskbar from the screen making the buttons available. <p>Al<br><a href=mailto: atc-computing@home.com> atc-computing@home.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
too large would mean you could see everything(the more pixels, the tinier it seems on a monitor) you mean you set it too small. in any case you can do like above, press the lil windows key, or Ctrl-Esc if you dont have a windows logo key, then goto settings, control pannel, then find display, tab over to the last tab, use your mouse to change the screen res back up, tab least once or twice(once you dont see the button highlighted anymore) press enter, shoudl change it to that rez (if you're lucky you didnt hit the cancel button) <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.8m.com>kb244@kb244.8m.com</a><br><a href=
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