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Outputing a report to Single page HTML

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Technical User
Jan 27, 2009
I am attempting to output a report to HTML. The problem I am having is that Access wants to force the output to multiple HTML files and I need it to be outputted to a single page HTML. I have searched and have not found many solutions to the issue, but I did find a piece of code that may help. I have pasted the code below. I am not a VBA programmer and I need to know how to get this to work in Access. BTW this is for a personal project that I am working on, it is a trading card database. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks

Here is John Lauer's code to do this. Works great.

Below is the code I wrote to do this. It is made up of 3 functions. The
first two (CombineHTMLFiles and CleanupHTMLFormatting) are generic and should
work for any report. The third (Fix_Subtotal_Alignment) was for a specific
alignment problem I had with my report, but I included it here for
completeness and since others may run into similar issues.

Important: To make this work correctly, you must also add some fields to the
reports which the code keys off of to do some of its replacements. (You can
see in the code below what they need to be, but an example is that you need
labels with the text "~HTML: insert HR here~" to make the code insert a <HR...
> tag in the HTML.) To prevent this text from appearing on the report in
Access, you will want to create the labels and then change the font color to
white so the text is "hidden" because it is the same color as the background
of the report. The horizontal positioning of these labels is not important
as long as they fall vertically between the rows of text where you want them.
(You can do a manual export to HTML and check the output HTML to insure they
fall exactly where you want them.)

Also, this uses both the MS Scripting library (for the FileSystemObject) and
VBScript Regular Expressions (for some of the search and replace), so you'll
have to add References to these libraries in your VBA project. The two
should appear in the list of available references as "Microsoft Scripting
Runtime" and "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.x" (any 5.x version
will work, e.g. 5.5 or 5.6) if you have VBScript installed. (If not, you can
download it at (If you are not
familiar with setting References in the VBA editor, go to Tools - References
on the menu, find the ones you need in the list and check them, then click OK.

Okay, finally, here is the code...

First, here is the main function. You pass 3 parameters into it:
1) theFilename: the base of the filename (e.g. If Access has created files
called myreport.html and myreport_Page2.html, you will pass "myreport" into
the function)
2) Work_Folder: a temporary directory where you have had Access spit out
the html files, with a \ at the end (e.g. c:\myreport\work_directory\ )
3) Output_Folder: the final directory where you want the completed html
files, with a \ at the end (e.g. c:\myreport\final_output\ )

Function CombineHTMLFiles(theFilename, Work_Folder, Output_Folder) As Integer

Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fsoFile

Dim checkForFiles As String
'the array below will be for the filenames - and the position in the
'array will be the file number used to open the file
' for the 2nd dim, position 1 is the file number and position 2 is the
actual file contents
Dim theFiles(1 To 99, 1 To 2) As String
Dim counter As Integer

counter = 1

checkForFiles = Dir(Trim(Work_Folder) & Trim(theFilename) & "*.html")

Do Until checkForFiles = ""
theFiles(counter, 1) = checkForFiles

Set fsoFile = fso_OpenTextFile(Trim(Work_Folder) & Trim(checkForFiles)
, ForReading)
theFiles(counter, 2) = fsoFile.ReadAll


counter = counter + 1

'now try for another file
checkForFiles = Dir

Dim maxFile As Integer
maxFile = counter - 1

Dim outputFile As TextStream
Set outputFile = fso.CreateTextFile(Trim(Output_Folder) & Trim
(theFilename) & ".html", True)

If maxFile = 1 Then

'do the replaces to cleanup the output HTML formatting
'since Access doesn't save it to look real nice
'(note that this function returns the cleaned up HTML, so we set the
' of the function to the variable of the original HTML being sent in)
theFiles(1, 2) = CleanupHTMLFormatting(theFiles(1, 2))

'if there is only 1 file then we just write it out
outputFile.Write theFiles(1, 2)
'if there are multiple files then we must parse and rejoin

'1st write out the first file without the closing tags
theFiles(1, 2) = CleanupHTMLFormatting(theFiles(1, 2))
outputFile.Write Left(theFiles(1, 2), (InStrRev(theFiles(1, 2),
"</TABLE>") + 9))

Dim startPos As Double, endPos As Double

'now do any remaining files, with just the actual body stuff
For counter = 2 To maxFile
startPos = InStr(theFiles(counter, 2), "<TABLE ") - 1
endPos = InStrRev(theFiles(counter, 2), "</TABLE>") + 8

theFiles(counter, 2) = CleanupHTMLFormatting(theFiles(counter, 2))

outputFile.Write Mid(theFiles(counter, 2), startPos, endPos -
Next counter

'and finally add the closing tags
outputFile.Write "</BODY></HTML>"

End If


Set fso = Nothing

End Function


Now here is the 2nd function. It is called from the first one

Function CleanupHTMLFormatting(origHTML As String) As String

'first, change any ~HTML: insert HR here~ text to an actual HR tag
CleanupHTMLFormatting = Replace(origHTML, "~HTML: insert HR here~", "<HR
size=4 color=black width=100%>")

'now, change any ~HTML: insert blank line here~ text to a <BR> tag
CleanupHTMLFormatting = Replace(CleanupHTMLFormatting, "~HTML: insert
blank line here~", "<BR>")

'get rid of any <a href... tags since they are the Next Page, Prev Page,
etc links that we don't need
Dim myRegExp As RegExp
Set myRegExp = New RegExp

myRegExp.Pattern = "<a href.*</a>"
myRegExp.Global = True
myRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
myRegExp.Multiline = True

CleanupHTMLFormatting = myRegExp.Replace(CleanupHTMLFormatting, "")

Set myRegExp = Nothing

CleanupHTMLFormatting = Fix_Subtotal_Alignment(CleanupHTMLFormatting)

End Function

Function Fix_Subtotal_Alignment(theText)

CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10)

Dim startPos, endPos, startBlock, endBlock
Dim foreText, oldText, newText, postText

Dim objRegExpr, colMatches, objMatch

startPos = 1

Do While InStr(startPos, theText, "~HTML:start total row~") > 0

startPos = InStr(startPos, theText, "~HTML:start total row~")
endPos = InStr(startPos, theText, "~HTML:end total row~")
startBlock = InStrRev(theText, "<TABLE", startPos) - 1
endBlock = InStr(endPos, theText, "</TABLE>") + 8

foreText = Left(theText, startBlock - 1)
postText = Right(theText, (Len(theText) - endBlock))
oldText = Mid(theText, startBlock, (endBlock - startBlock))

Set objRegExpr = New RegExp

objRegExpr.Pattern = "COLOR=#000000>.*</FONT>"
objRegExpr.Global = True
objRegExpr.IgnoreCase = True

Set colMatches = objRegExpr.Execute(oldText)

newText = newText & "<TD WIDTH=64 ALIGN=LEFT > <BR></TD><TD
newText = newText & Mid(colMatches(0).Value, 15, Len(colMatches(0).
Value) - 21) & "</FONT></TD>" & CRLF
newText = newText & "<TD WIDTH=40 ALIGN=RIGHT ><FONT style=FONT-SIZE:
8pt FACE=""Arial"" COLOR=#000000>"
newText = newText & Mid(colMatches(1).Value, 15, Len(colMatches(0).
Value) - 21) & "</FONT></TD>" & CRLF
newText = newText & "<TD WIDTH=96 ALIGN=RIGHT ><FONT style=FONT-SIZE:
8pt FACE=""Arial"" COLOR=#000000>"
newText = newText & Mid(colMatches(2).Value, 15, Len(colMatches(0).
Value) - 21) & "</FONT></TD>" & CRLF
newText = newText & "</TR>" & CRLF & "</TABLE>" & CRLF

theText = foreText & newText & postText

startPos = startPos + 20
Set colMatches = Nothing
Set objRegExpr = Nothing

Fix_Subtotal_Alignment = theText

End Function

I think it is better to code it to output your table/query as html file instead of outputing/combining/cleaning/recreating the html files.

Zameer Abdulla
Yes I could do that rather easily but then how would I get items to group together in a format similar to a report?
I ended up giving up on the Access HTML stuff, it is easier to just output to a .PDF, which any browser can pull up. It's not only the page thing, Access also can't translate pictures and graphics into the HTML either, at least the versions up to 2003 can't. A pdf will print it exactly the way you designed it.
Grouping can be done very easily if you open a recordset for each group. I will show an example tommorrow.

Zameer Abdulla
That you be great. Thanks!
here is an example that runs Northwind database.
You can modify as you wish if you know HTML and VBA good.

Option Compare Database

Public Sub ReportAsHTML()
    '/// DB Connection
    Dim dbConnection As ADODB.Connection
    Set dbConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    '/// Recordsets
    Dim rsCategories As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim rsProducts As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rsCategories = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rsProducts = New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim x, y, z As Integer
    Dim catID As Integer

    '///SQL Strings
    Dim strSQLCategories As String
    strSQLCategories = "SELECT CategoryID," _
                       & " CategoryName " _
                       & "FROM Categories"

    Dim strSQLProducts As String
    strSQLProducts = "SELECT ProductID," _
                     & "CategoryID, " _
                     & " ProductName, " _
                     & "UnitPrice, " _
                     & "UnitsInStock  " _
                     & " FROM Products"
    '/// Open recordsets
    rsCategories.Open strSQLCategories, dbConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    rsProducts.Open strSQLProducts, dbConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    '/// start HTML
    Dim strHTML As String
    strHTML = ""
    strHTML = strHTML & "<HTML>" & vbCrLf
    strHTML = strHTML & " <HEAD>" & vbCrLf
    strHTML = strHTML & "  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>" & vbCrLf
    strHTML = strHTML & " </HEAD>" & vbCrLf
    strHTML = strHTML & " <BODY>" & vbCrLf
    strHTML = strHTML & "<DIV ALIGN='CENTER'>"
    strHTML = strHTML & "<TABLE border='1'>" & vbCrLf
    strHTML = strHTML & " <TR>" & vbCrLf
    '/// Go through Categories
    Do Until rsCategories.EOF
        For x = 0 To rsCategories.Fields.Count - 1
            catID = rsCategories.Fields.Item("CategoryID").Value
            If rsCategories.Fields.Item(x).Name = "CategoryName" Then
                strHTML = strHTML & "<TD COLSPAN ='4'>" & rsCategories.Fields.Item(x).Value & "</td>"
            End If
        strHTML = strHTML & " <TR>" & vbCrLf
        '/// Go through products

        If Not rsProducts.EOF Then
            For y = 0 To rsProducts.Fields.Count - 1
                If rsProducts.Fields.Item(y).Name <> "CategoryID" Then
                    Select Case rsProducts.Fields.Item(y).Name
                        '/// Use a readable heading
                        '/// instead of using "rsProducts.Fields.Item(y).Name"
                    Case Is = "ProductID"
                        strHTML = strHTML & "<TD WIDTH='100'>" & "Product ID" & "</td>"
                    Case Is = "ProductName"
                        strHTML = strHTML & "<TD WIDTH='300'>" & rsProducts.Fields.Item(y).Name & "</td>"
                    Case Is = "UnitPrice"
                        strHTML = strHTML & "<TD WIDTH='75'>" & rsProducts.Fields.Item(y).Name & "</td>"
                    Case Is = "UnitsInStock"
                        strHTML = strHTML & "<TD WIDTH='100'>" & rsProducts.Fields.Item(y).Name & "</td>"
                    End Select
                End If
            strHTML = strHTML & " </TR>" & vbCrLf
            '/// go through products values
            Do Until rsProducts.EOF

                If rsProducts.Fields.Item("CategoryID").Value = catID Then
                    strHTML = strHTML & " <TR>" & vbCrLf
                    For z = 0 To rsProducts.Fields.Count - 1

                        Select Case rsProducts.Fields.Item(z).Name
                        Case Is = "ProductID"
                            strHTML = strHTML & "<TD ALIGN='MIDDLE'>" & rsProducts.Fields.Item(z).Value & "</td>"
                        Case Is = "ProductName"
                            strHTML = strHTML & "<TD ALIGN='LEFT'>" & rsProducts.Fields.Item(z).Value & "</td>"
                        Case Is = "UnitPrice"
                            strHTML = strHTML & "<TD ALIGN='RIGHT'>" & Format(rsProducts.Fields.Item(z).Value, "#,##.00#") & "</td>"
                        Case Is = "UnitsInStock"
                            '/// highlight in red if stock not in hand
                            If rsProducts.Fields.Item(z).Value = 0 Then
                                strHTML = strHTML & "<TD ALIGN='RIGHT' BGCOLOR=""#FF0000"">" & rsProducts.Fields.Item(z).Value & "</td>"

                                strHTML = strHTML & "<TD ALIGN='RIGHT'>" & rsProducts.Fields.Item(z).Value & "</td>"

                            End If
                        End Select

                    strHTML = strHTML & " </TR>" & vbCrLf
                End If

        End If
    '/// close HTML
    strHTML = strHTML & "</TABLE>"
    strHTML = strHTML & "</DIV>"
    strHTML = strHTML & " </BODY>"
    strHTML = strHTML & "</HTML>"
    '/// close & destroy recordsets and connection
    Set rsCategories = Nothing
    Set rsProducts = Nothing
    Set dbConnection = Nothing
    '/// Output your report
    OutputHTMLReport "C:\MyHTMLReport.html", strHTML
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOutputReport_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub OutputHTMLReport(ByVal strFilename As String, strText As String)
    Open strFilename For Output As #1
    Print #1, strText
    Close #1
End Sub

Zameer Abdulla
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Part and Inventory Search

