Date Ref Acct Curr Bal Future Bal
2003 aaa 1111 100 100
2003 bbb 2222 100
2003 ccc 3333 100
I have query that uses the same table to display the current amt and future amt columns based on the 2 conditions:
if date <= current date and sum(amount) <> + 0 then display the sum of curr bal, then using the same key there should be another query to check the same table if there are future bal by summing(amount) <> +0 >= current date and using the min(date) in this case.
How can I do this? Please help!
Date Ref Acct Curr Bal Future Bal
2003 aaa 1111 100 100
2003 bbb 2222 100
2003 ccc 3333 100
I have query that uses the same table to display the current amt and future amt columns based on the 2 conditions:
if date <= current date and sum(amount) <> + 0 then display the sum of curr bal, then using the same key there should be another query to check the same table if there are future bal by summing(amount) <> +0 >= current date and using the min(date) in this case.
How can I do this? Please help!