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output asp script multiple times

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Technical User
Apr 12, 2008
I have an asp calendar I have modified (taken a base version from a script website) that displays a calendar, looks at a database and highlights days with an event behind them.

The script outputs just one calendar to the screen, is it possible to make it output three at a time

eg current month is August so August, September and October are displayed. Press next to advance the months on.

Here is my script

	' This function finds the last date of the given month
	Function GetLastDay(intMonthNum, intYearNum)
		Dim dNextStart
		If CInt(intMonthNum) = 12 Then
			dNextStart = CDate( "1/1/" & intYearNum)
			dNextStart = CDate(intMonthNum + 1 & "/1/" & intYearNum)
		End If
		GetLastDay = Day(dNextStart - 1)
	End Function
	' This routine prints the individual table divisions for days of the month
	Sub Write_TD(sValue, sClass)
		Response.Write "		<td class='" & sClass & "'>" & sValue & "</TD>" & vbCrLf
	End Sub

	' Constants for the days of the week
	Const cFRI = 1, cSAT = 2, cSUN = 3, cMON = 4, cTUE = 5, cWED = 6, cTHU = 7
	' Get the name of this file
	sScript = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
	' Check for valid month input
	If IsEmpty(Request("MONTH")) OR NOT IsNumeric(Request("MONTH")) Then
	  datToday = Date()
	  intThisMonth = Month(datToday)
	ElseIf CInt(Request("MONTH")) < 1 OR CInt(Request("MONTH")) > 12 Then
	  datToday = Date()
	  intThisMonth = Month(datToday)
	  intThisMonth = CInt(Request("MONTH"))
	End If
	' Check for valid year input
	If IsEmpty(Request("YEAR")) OR NOT IsNumeric(Request("YEAR")) Then
	  datToday = Date()
	  intThisYear = Year(datToday)
	  intThisYear = CInt(Request("YEAR"))
	End If

	strMonthName = MonthName(intThisMonth)
	datFirstDay = DateSerial(intThisYear, intThisMonth, 1)
	intFirstWeekDay = WeekDay(datFirstDay, vbFriday)
	intLastDay = GetLastDay(intThisMonth, intThisYear)
	' Get the previous month and year
	intPrevMonth = intThisMonth - 1
	If intPrevMonth = 0 Then
		intPrevMonth = 12
		intPrevYear = intThisYear - 1
		intPrevYear = intThisYear	
	End If
	' Get the next month and year
	intNextMonth = intThisMonth + 1
	If intNextMonth > 12 Then
		intNextMonth = 1
		intNextYear = intThisYear + 1
		intNextYear = intThisYear
	End If

	' Get the last day of previous month. Using this, find the sunday of
	' last week of last month
	LastMonthDate = GetLastDay(intLastMonth, intPrevYear) - intFirstWeekDay + 2
	NextMonthDate = 1

	' Initialize the print day to 1  
	intPrintDay = 1

	' Open a record set of schedules
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
	' These dates are used in the mySQL database, if dates in different format change this bit and maybe locale above
	dFirstDay = intThisYear & "-" & intThisMonth & "-1"
	dLastDay 	= intThisYear & "-" & intThisMonth & "-" & intLastDay

	sSQL = 	"SELECT DISTINCT * FROM t_table WHERE " & _
					"(Start_Date >='" & dFirstDay & "' AND Start_Date <= '" & dLastDay & "') " & _
					"OR " & _
					"(End_Date >='" & dFirstDay & "' AND End_Date <= '" & dLastDay & "') " & _
					"OR " & _
					"(Start_Date < '" & dFirstDay & "' AND End_Date > '" & dLastDay & "' )"  & _
					" AND booked = '1' ORDER BY Start_Date"

	'Response.Write sSQL

	set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
	rs.Open sSQL,objConn


<br /><br />

	<table id='eventcalendar' BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0">
		<tr class='eventcalendardate'>
			<td align="left" valign="middle"><a href="<% =sScript%>?month=<% =IntPrevMonth %>&amp;year=<% =IntPrevYear %>" class='white'><<</a></td>
			<td COLSPAN="5" align="center" valign="middle"><% = strMonthName & " " & intThisYear %></td>
			<td align="right" valign="middle"><a href="<% =sScript %>?month=<% =IntNextMonth %>&amp;year=<% =IntNextYear %>" class='white'>>></a></td>
			' Initialize the end of rows flag to false
			EndRows = False
			Response.Write vbCrLf
			' Loop until all the rows are exhausted
		 	Do While EndRows = False
				' Start a table row
				Response.Write "	<tr align='center'>" & vbCrLf
				' This is the loop for the days in the week
				For intLoopDay = cFRI To cTHU
					' If the first day is not friday then print the last days of previous month in grayed font
					If intFirstWeekDay > cFRI Then
						Write_TD LastMonthDate, "non"
						LastMonthDate = LastMonthDate + 1
						intFirstWeekDay = intFirstWeekDay - 1
					' The month starts on a sunday	
						' If the dates for the month are exhausted, start printing next month's dates
						' in grayed font
						If intPrintDay > intLastDay Then
							Write_TD NextMonthDate, "non"
							NextMonthDate = NextMonthDate + 1
							EndRows = True 
							' If last day of the month, flag the end of the row
							If intPrintDay = intLastDay Then
								EndRows = True
							End If
							dToday = CDate(intThisMonth & "/" & intPrintDay & "/" & intThisYear)  
							dTodayFormat = CDate(intPrintDay & "/" & intThisMonth & "/" & intThisYear) 'added to display the date link in usa for the events page.
							If NOT Rs.EOF Then
								' Set events flag to false. This means the day has no event in it
								bEvents = False
							  Do While NOT Rs.EOF AND bEvents = False
									' If the date falls within the range of dates in the recordset, then 
									' the day has an event. Make the events flag True
							    If dToday >= Rs("Start_Date") AND dToday <= Rs("End_Date") Then
										' Print the date in a highlighted font
							      'this one has a link, just formattingWrite_TD "<A HREF=events.asp?date="& Server.URLEncode(dToday) & " TARGET='_blank'> " & intPrintDay & "</A>", "event"
													   if rs("booked") = "1" then
													   Write_TD "" & intPrintDay & "", "event"
																Write_TD "<a href='#'  onclick='getPrices("""& rs("Event_ID") & """)'>" & intPrintDay & "</a>", "noevent"
																end if
										bEvents = True
									' If the Start date is greater than the date itself, there is no point
									' checking other records. Exit the loop	
							    ElseIf dToday < Rs("Start_Date") Then
										Exit Do
									' Move to the next record
									End If
								' Checks for that day
							End If
							' If the event flag is not raise for that day, print it in a plain font
							If bEvents = False Then
							       if intLoopDay = cFRI then
								      Write_TD "<a href='#'  onclick='getPrices("""& Server.URLEncode(dToday) & """)'>" & intPrintDay & "</a>", "noevent"
														Write_TD "" & intPrintDay & "", "noevent"
														end if
							End If
						End If 
						' Increment the date. Done once in the loop.
						intPrintDay = intPrintDay + 1
					End If
				' Move to the next day in the week
				Response.Write "	</tr>" & vbCrLf
	 	Set Rs = Nothing
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