For an event database in access if have created a static overview of the planned events. It looks like:
Per event I created a detailed programm:
I would like to create a graphical display like the outlook planner, or the image in the attechment.
Is this possible in MS Access and how?
And if it is possible. Can a event be changed by simply drag an drop?
Auditorium Event Start Date End Date
Milano EventMilona 01DEC2012 05DEC2012
London EventLondon 03DEC2012 06DEC2012
Per event I created a detailed programm:
Auditorium Event Date Time Duration Description
Milano EventMilano 01DEC2012 13:00 90MINS Lunch
I would like to create a graphical display like the outlook planner, or the image in the attechment.
Is this possible in MS Access and how?
And if it is possible. Can a event be changed by simply drag an drop?