The story: After a week away from my desk I return to find hundreds of emails neatly sorted by my rules into various subfolders. It's going to take a while to work through everything and Outlook's not helping. When I select a folder it doesn't remember where I'd got to most recently. I guess it assumes I'm going to read everything in a folder before moving on, but life's not like that!
...so what I'm trying to do is cook up a little bit of VBA that will spot that I've switched folders (the Explorer.FolderSwitch event seems to fit the bill) and then position the preview pane at the oldest unread item. I can open the item in a new window, but I'd rather not. Is there anything in the Outlook 2000 (SR-1) object model that lets me control the item list and preview pane in this way?
...so what I'm trying to do is cook up a little bit of VBA that will spot that I've switched folders (the Explorer.FolderSwitch event seems to fit the bill) and then position the preview pane at the oldest unread item. I can open the item in a new window, but I'd rather not. Is there anything in the Outlook 2000 (SR-1) object model that lets me control the item list and preview pane in this way?