Question: I have Outlook 2002. I recently upgraded from Outlook 97. It seems now that I have a problem when sending some of my e-mails.
When I address the e-mail and type "bsmth" in the to line, it resolves as bsmith's FAX number? This is very frustrating..
Does anyone know why this happens?
By the way, this only happens when addressing to people in my personal contacts list. When I address to people in the global address list, I do not have any problems.
Please let me know if you guys have any thoughts.
Thank you...
Joseph L. Poandl
MCSE 2000
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When I address the e-mail and type "bsmth" in the to line, it resolves as bsmith's FAX number? This is very frustrating..
Does anyone know why this happens?
By the way, this only happens when addressing to people in my personal contacts list. When I address to people in the global address list, I do not have any problems.
Please let me know if you guys have any thoughts.
Thank you...
Joseph L. Poandl
MCSE 2000
If your company is in need of experts to examine technical problems/solutions, please check out