I have a user that has admin rights on the laptop. it is windows xp, and Outlook 2003.
when you go Tools - Email Accounts, select the account, click the "change" button...
there should be a "more settings" button. that button does not exist on her pc.
i've reinstalled office, i've done the button restore option, I also logged in as myself on the pc and loaded up outlook - still no button. i'm hoping i don't have to reimage this PC.
Any ideas?
when you go Tools - Email Accounts, select the account, click the "change" button...
there should be a "more settings" button. that button does not exist on her pc.
i've reinstalled office, i've done the button restore option, I also logged in as myself on the pc and loaded up outlook - still no button. i'm hoping i don't have to reimage this PC.
Any ideas?