Hi, I am trying to access details from the Exchange Global Address List, without much success.
This is an example of what I am doing:
looutlook = createobject('outlook.application')
lonamespace = loooutlook.getNameSpace('mapi')
loaddressList = ;
lonameSpace.addressLists('Global Address List')
for each loaddressEntry in addressList.AddressEntries
? loAddressEntry.name
This works fine, however, I need to access the individual fields in the global address book, such as fax and email addresses, but I cannot see the way to do this.
I try to access loAddressEntry.fields using numeric and string parameters, but I get the message 'member fields does not evaluate to an object'.
I am stuck, I could try accessing the address book using the MAPI session control, or ADO maybe, but I would like to try and keep it all in Outlook.
Thanks for your help in advance.
This is an example of what I am doing:
looutlook = createobject('outlook.application')
lonamespace = loooutlook.getNameSpace('mapi')
loaddressList = ;
lonameSpace.addressLists('Global Address List')
for each loaddressEntry in addressList.AddressEntries
? loAddressEntry.name
This works fine, however, I need to access the individual fields in the global address book, such as fax and email addresses, but I cannot see the way to do this.
I try to access loAddressEntry.fields using numeric and string parameters, but I get the message 'member fields does not evaluate to an object'.
I am stuck, I could try accessing the address book using the MAPI session control, or ADO maybe, but I would like to try and keep it all in Outlook.
Thanks for your help in advance.