Could somebody tell me the specific method for moving Outlook Express folders, messages and address books to another PC? I have read all of TechNet articles. I have tried moving the *.dbx files and in fact the entire C:\Windows\Application Data folder to the "new" PC and Outlook never picks up on it. I have tried using Import and pointing at the old Outlook Express 4.x files and it always says the file is in use, or doesn't contain any data or some other error message. It doesn't seem to matter what versions of Outlook I'm working with. Whether I use Import/Export or just copy files. I have never been able to pin down a rhyme or reason to do what should be a simple task. In Netscape it's a piece of cake. Everything is centrally located and actually makes sense. Outlook on the other hand, in typical MS style, scatters files everywhere and then changes the format of the files from one version to the next. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Brian [sig][/sig]
Brian [sig][/sig]