If you click the Store Folder button in Tools / Options/ Maintenance, the path to the message folder is shown. Maybe there is an error in the SentItems.idx file. It might be an idea to rename that file and the corresponding .dbx file to see if a new set of files - without errors - is created next time OE is started.
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately it didn't help. I have also tried deleted unrequired emails but still no email copy in my sent folder when I send.
could it be that your sent items folder is full? This happened to me- what you could try is moving all items from sent items into a newly created folder, e.g. old sent items, then close outlook express, go to the maintenance store folder where email .dbx folders are stored and delete sent items.dbx. The folder is regenerated when you start outlook express.
For some reason, even when folders are emptied of email, it doesn't appear to decrease in size. It's like it holds onto an image file or something
could it be that your sent items folder is full? This happened to me- what you could try is moving all items from sent items into a newly created folder, e.g. old sent items, then close outlook express, go to the maintenance store folder where email .dbx folders are stored and delete sent items.dbx. The folder is regenerated when you start outlook express.
For some reason, even when folders are emptied of email, it doesn't appear to decrease in size. It's like it holds onto an image file or something
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