We have 6 Exchange 2003 Clustered Servers and various MAPI clients connecting. 2 Of these Servers are not allowing Outlook 98 clients to connect to Mailboxes (Outlook 2000 Clients are OK as they obviously use the referral service instead of NSPI).
The Exchange Server is returning the error "The name could not be resolved. Network Problems are prenting connection to the Microsoft Exchange Server"
I have captured the data with Ethereal and am seeing the following:
DCERPC Bind_nak: call_id: 2 reason: Local Limit Exceeded
I then see a load of PING requests before the request times out.
I have have checked name resolution and all seems to be OK. I think it is something to do with DSProxy
Any info glady appreciated.
The Exchange Server is returning the error "The name could not be resolved. Network Problems are prenting connection to the Microsoft Exchange Server"
I have captured the data with Ethereal and am seeing the following:
DCERPC Bind_nak: call_id: 2 reason: Local Limit Exceeded
I then see a load of PING requests before the request times out.
I have have checked name resolution and all seems to be OK. I think it is something to do with DSProxy
Any info glady appreciated.