Using Windows 7 platform. MS Office 2010 Suite.
For a nominated folder in Outlook I would like to extract only the emails within specific date range and that meet criteria of the wording "Authorised" in the email subject line.
Outlook folder = Arnold Date range = 1/12/12 - 31/12/12 Subject contains "Authorised"
Data Returned
3/12/12 12:00 Received from Sample #12345 Authorised
6/12/12 09:00 Received from Sample #95478 Authorised
What is the best process to extract this data? VBA, Add-in? Preferably even automate as report simply with user changing date range.
Thanks for your assistance.
Using Windows 7 platform. MS Office 2010 Suite.
For a nominated folder in Outlook I would like to extract only the emails within specific date range and that meet criteria of the wording "Authorised" in the email subject line.
Outlook folder = Arnold Date range = 1/12/12 - 31/12/12 Subject contains "Authorised"
Data Returned
3/12/12 12:00 Received from Sample #12345 Authorised
6/12/12 09:00 Received from Sample #95478 Authorised
What is the best process to extract this data? VBA, Add-in? Preferably even automate as report simply with user changing date range.
Thanks for your assistance.