I have a couple users whose E-Mail addresses have obviously been captured somewhere by a zombie spam virus. Every day they both get upwards of 100+ System Administrator error messages from Russia as destination mail servers reject the messages they supposedly sent to bogus Russian addresses.
My problem is the Outlook 2003 rules wizard doesn't appear to process System Administrator type messages. Even constructing a simple rule to delete the messages based on common text in the message body doesn't work. It does delete messages that are "normal" E-Mail messages, but does nothing to the System Administrator rejects
I've looked in the application forms list and there isn't a "System Administrator" form for me to key on either.
Any ideas on how to block these incoming messages? My user would be eternally grateful...
My problem is the Outlook 2003 rules wizard doesn't appear to process System Administrator type messages. Even constructing a simple rule to delete the messages based on common text in the message body doesn't work. It does delete messages that are "normal" E-Mail messages, but does nothing to the System Administrator rejects
I've looked in the application forms list and there isn't a "System Administrator" form for me to key on either.
Any ideas on how to block these incoming messages? My user would be eternally grateful...