I came across this issue recently but cant find any help for it.
In outlook 2003, then you receive a HTML mail with links and screen tips (created using the 'title' tag in html) it displays the screentip AND the link instead of the screen tip only.
When the same source code is viewed in a browser or in outlook2003 web version it is ok. This makes me thing its one of two issues, either some security/privacy setting or a fault with Outlook2003 html rendering engine.
Doesn anyone have any thoughts? -
as a test, create html page in word, highlight it and add a hyperlink and screentip text to it , then mail it to yourself and view in outlook 2003 - when you get the mail and hover over the link it shoudl display only the text, not the linkpath and the screentip as I am experiencing.
In outlook 2003, then you receive a HTML mail with links and screen tips (created using the 'title' tag in html) it displays the screentip AND the link instead of the screen tip only.
When the same source code is viewed in a browser or in outlook2003 web version it is ok. This makes me thing its one of two issues, either some security/privacy setting or a fault with Outlook2003 html rendering engine.
Doesn anyone have any thoughts? -
as a test, create html page in word, highlight it and add a hyperlink and screentip text to it , then mail it to yourself and view in outlook 2003 - when you get the mail and hover over the link it shoudl display only the text, not the linkpath and the screentip as I am experiencing.