I need to tag two different dial-peers with outgoing digits so they are routed properly by our hosting services (outside my control).
For example, if someone in our voice network calls 1-800-555-5555, in order for that call to be routed by our hosted service, I have to preceed that call with (for example) 222-222-2222.
I already have translation patterns setup on our cucm that routes the call to our voice gateway (a 2811 router via 9.@) so I'm thinking it's got to be applied at the gateway level, but maybe I can do it all in the cucm?
The hosted service will strip the 222-222-2222 and make the call to 1-800-555-5555.
What's the best way to do this? I'm digging through the voice command reference and can't figure out which command to use on the dial-peer. I'm thinking it's one of the translate commands, but not sure..
For example, if someone in our voice network calls 1-800-555-5555, in order for that call to be routed by our hosted service, I have to preceed that call with (for example) 222-222-2222.
I already have translation patterns setup on our cucm that routes the call to our voice gateway (a 2811 router via 9.@) so I'm thinking it's got to be applied at the gateway level, but maybe I can do it all in the cucm?
The hosted service will strip the 222-222-2222 and make the call to 1-800-555-5555.
What's the best way to do this? I'm digging through the voice command reference and can't figure out which command to use on the dial-peer. I'm thinking it's one of the translate commands, but not sure..