Ok I have reached the end of my rope. Ive tried inner and outer joins and cant find the right combonation.
I have 2 tables
If I want to get the email address for a certain user, thats easy enough. The thing is if any of the team initials are put in I want the email address for the TeamLeadID.
So say NIT is put in the where clause I want to get the email for AJC.
Thanks in advance for any help
I have 2 tables
AJC Alan Cohn AJC ACohn@whereever.com
BJJ Brian Jones BJJ BJones@whereever.com
CCC Corina Connie CCC CConnie@whereever.com
DDD Dawn Dower DDD DDower@whereever.com
KLS Kelly Smith KLS KSmith@whereever.com
TeamID TeamInitials TeamName TeamLeadID
1 NIT NightTrain AJC
2 DRT DreamTeam KLS
3 MDM Midday Madness CCC
So say NIT is put in the where clause I want to get the email for AJC.
Thanks in advance for any help