I am trying to perform a summary query that joins 4 tables. Ordinarily I don't work with Access. With DB2, I would write something like this:
SELECT customer.customerNo,
Sum(customerContact.ordersPlaced) AS Orders,
Sum(productSales.qtySold) AS Sales,
Sum(productReturns.qtySold) AS Returns
FROM customer
LEFT OUTER JOIN customerContact ON customer.customerNo=customerContact.customerNo
LEFT OUTER JOIN productReturns ON customer.customerNo=productReturns.customerNo
LEFT OUTER JOIN productSales ON customer.customerNo=productSales.customerNo
GROUP BY customer.customerNo, customer.name
But Access doesn't like that syntax and gives me an error: "missing operator".
I have searched the forums and found that most people recommend adding parenthesis like the following:
SELECT customer.customerNo,
Sum(customerContact.ordersPlaced) AS Orders,
Sum(productSales.qtySold) AS Sales,
Sum(productReturns.qtySold) AS Returns
FROM ((customer
LEFT JOIN customerContact ON customer.customerNo=customerContact.customerNo)
LEFT JOIN productReturns ON customer.customerNo=productReturns.customerNo)
LEFT JOIN productSales ON customer.customerNo=productSales.customerNo
GROUP BY customer.customerNo, customer.name;
But this produces the wrong result. It looks like it is creating nested join where table2 is joined to table1, table3 to table2, and table4 to table3. What I want is tables2, 3 and 4 to each be joined to table1.
The queries here are from an example application I created to illustrate the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
SELECT customer.customerNo,
Sum(customerContact.ordersPlaced) AS Orders,
Sum(productSales.qtySold) AS Sales,
Sum(productReturns.qtySold) AS Returns
FROM customer
LEFT OUTER JOIN customerContact ON customer.customerNo=customerContact.customerNo
LEFT OUTER JOIN productReturns ON customer.customerNo=productReturns.customerNo
LEFT OUTER JOIN productSales ON customer.customerNo=productSales.customerNo
GROUP BY customer.customerNo, customer.name
But Access doesn't like that syntax and gives me an error: "missing operator".
I have searched the forums and found that most people recommend adding parenthesis like the following:
SELECT customer.customerNo,
Sum(customerContact.ordersPlaced) AS Orders,
Sum(productSales.qtySold) AS Sales,
Sum(productReturns.qtySold) AS Returns
FROM ((customer
LEFT JOIN customerContact ON customer.customerNo=customerContact.customerNo)
LEFT JOIN productReturns ON customer.customerNo=productReturns.customerNo)
LEFT JOIN productSales ON customer.customerNo=productSales.customerNo
GROUP BY customer.customerNo, customer.name;
But this produces the wrong result. It looks like it is creating nested join where table2 is joined to table1, table3 to table2, and table4 to table3. What I want is tables2, 3 and 4 to each be joined to table1.
The queries here are from an example application I created to illustrate the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!