I am facing following problem
I have one fact table and 8 DIM tables as lookup
Action performed : did setting in VLDB propertities to preserve all Look up table.........
result:It creates left outer join for all lookup but i need to apply left Outer to only 3 Dim table than all 8
Query: I need to use left outer Join only to some specific DIM and not to all.can I achieve in MSTR ?
Early help is really appreciated
I have one fact table and 8 DIM tables as lookup
Action performed : did setting in VLDB propertities to preserve all Look up table.........
result:It creates left outer join for all lookup but i need to apply left Outer to only 3 Dim table than all 8
Query: I need to use left outer Join only to some specific DIM and not to all.can I achieve in MSTR ?
Early help is really appreciated