I'm trying to run a query checks for existing rows in a 'queue' table (Batch_Reassign). If a row is already in the Batch_Reassign table, don't return it in subsequent queries.
Here's the code, when I run it without any records in the Batch_Reassign table, nothing is returned. When there is a dummy record in the Batch_reassign table, the 'AND NOT EXISTS' works.
I'm not sure why the statement doesn't work when there's nothing in the table, but works when theres a record. I think I need an outer join, but not sure how to set it up.
I'm using PL/SQL Developer. Thanks for any suggestions.
I'm trying to run a query checks for existing rows in a 'queue' table (Batch_Reassign). If a row is already in the Batch_Reassign table, don't return it in subsequent queries.
Here's the code, when I run it without any records in the Batch_Reassign table, nothing is returned. When there is a dummy record in the Batch_reassign table, the 'AND NOT EXISTS' works.
I'm not sure why the statement doesn't work when there's nothing in the table, but works when theres a record. I think I need an outer join, but not sure how to set it up.
I'm using PL/SQL Developer. Thanks for any suggestions.
SELECT MAX (FolderRSN) AS FolderRSN, TRUNC(MAX(PaymentDate)) AS LastPmtDate
FROM (SELECT F.FolderRSN, AP.PaymentDate
FROM Folder F, AccountPayment AP, ValidStatus VS, ValidSub VSub, Batch_Reassign BR
WHERE F.FolderType = 'ED'
AND F.SubCode = VSub.SubCode
AND F.SubCode = DECODE(-1, -1, VSub.SubCode, -1)
AND F.StatusCode = VS.StatusCode
AND F.StatusCode = DECODE(-1, -1, VS.StatusCode, -1)
AND F.IssueUser = 'MANAGER'
AND F.Indate > '1-JAN-1900'
AND F.InDate < '1-JAN-3000'
AND F.FolderRSN = AP.FolderRSN(+)
AND AP.VoidFlag (+) != 'Y'
AND AP.NSFFlag (+) != 'Y'
(SELECT 'x' FROM Batch_Reassign BR
WHERE BR.FolderRSN = F.FolderRSN
AND BR.ReassignFlag = 'N'
AND BR.ProcessedFlag = 'N'))
WHERE NVL(TRUNC(PaymentDate), '01-JAN-3000') >= '1-JAN-1900'