I am fairly new to crystal 9.0 and I am trying to create a report that has 2 tables (SQL 7.0). A master table of vehicles and a transaction table of costs that are connected by an outer join. As soon as I make a date restriction on the transaction table the outer join doesn’t work any more.
For example:
Running report for Feb 2004
Veh 1 has transaction in Feb 2004 fuel cost and maintenance cost– works fine
Veh 2 has no transactions in Feb but does have for other months – doesn’t appear in the report
Veh 3 has no transactions at all – shows up because of the additional where statement of checking for null dates
Veh 4 has transactions in Feb but has been sold March 3 – want it to show up since it has costs (status = Sold, StatusDate = 2004/03/03)
Veh 5 has transactions but not in Feb. since it was sold Jan 10 – do not want it to show up (status = Sold, StatusDate = 2004/01/10)
Here is the SQL that I had to try to get the first 3 vehicles working. I hadn’t even tried to get the last 2 yet, but I will need to.
WHERE ("DATA_MONTHLY_COSTS_COH"."MthCost_ReportDate">={?StartDate}
AND "DATA_MONTHLY_COSTS_COH"."MthCost_ReportDate"<{?EndDate})
If anyone could help me figure out how to get all master records to show up even if it does not have transactions, I would be very grateful because I run into this a lot lately.
For example:
Running report for Feb 2004
Veh 1 has transaction in Feb 2004 fuel cost and maintenance cost– works fine
Veh 2 has no transactions in Feb but does have for other months – doesn’t appear in the report
Veh 3 has no transactions at all – shows up because of the additional where statement of checking for null dates
Veh 4 has transactions in Feb but has been sold March 3 – want it to show up since it has costs (status = Sold, StatusDate = 2004/03/03)
Veh 5 has transactions but not in Feb. since it was sold Jan 10 – do not want it to show up (status = Sold, StatusDate = 2004/01/10)
Here is the SQL that I had to try to get the first 3 vehicles working. I hadn’t even tried to get the last 2 yet, but I will need to.
WHERE ("DATA_MONTHLY_COSTS_COH"."MthCost_ReportDate">={?StartDate}
AND "DATA_MONTHLY_COSTS_COH"."MthCost_ReportDate"<{?EndDate})
If anyone could help me figure out how to get all master records to show up even if it does not have transactions, I would be very grateful because I run into this a lot lately.