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Outbound Transfer and/or Set ONE outbound number to transfer to.

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Technical User
Nov 1, 2007
I have a nortel ICS system. I'm running Norstar Meridian M7310 phones. I can not transfer to anything besides an extension. I have an off-site voice mail system. The voice mail system is accessed by dialing a regular phone number. I need to be able to transfer a caller, utilizing the transfer button, to this phone number. I do not need to transfer a caller to any other phone number. Apparently my ICS system does not have outbound transfers turned on. I read a few articles on here about maybe having to setup a route and all that good stuff. Now, I am the type that will sit here and brute force my way through it, but, I've spent some time on this and definitely need some help. I'm hoping for a solution besides "Call a tech/programmer". I'm somewhat savvy, but have little experience with what abbreviations mean what when I get into the system.

Any suggestions and solutions are greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

We're wasting our time if your software is not 4.1 or greater. What's the answer?
CICS - SIP 4.2 S/W Is what the card says.
Sweet! At every individual telephone you want to have this external transfer capability, you must go to capabilities and turn Allow Redirect to yes.

You must eliminate your line pool digit and build that digit as a Destination Code and point that dest. code to a route that has your outgoing pool in it, and absorb the dest. code.
Good to know it's not a futile effort being in software version 4.2 :D

Now, in regards to the redirect. I need to do that at each phone. Now, I know how to get to the base settings for the system (F **266344) But, how do I get to the base settings for the phone.

In regards to the line pool digit, and building that as a destination code, etc...is there any documentation I can get my hands on to explain that?

Seems like you're leading me down the right track, and I GREATLY appreciate it!!

(By the way, the guy that set these phones up has been incommunicado for about...oh...3years so I've picked up things along the way, but I'm in no means 'expert', but, I promise if you help me, even though my questions may be stupid...I won't ask the same stupid or newbie question twice :) )
Ok, I got the redirect set to "Y" (Thanks RikRodgers) So, i'll do that for everyone else's lines after I get the 2nd step of this process done. I figured I'd use my own line as a test first.

So, if you could elaborate on part 2 Dewey, I would GREATLY appreciate it!!!
It sounds like your goal is to just transfer incoming calls to a external number correct? You really only need to put your trunks/lines into a line pool and give that pool a access code ( Most new line pools would be pool A with a access code of 9 )Allowing redirect and building routes would be if your trying to call forward your ext. to a external number. So when a call comes in you press transfer 9 then #.
Yeah, all I'm trying to do is:

Client Calls In
Person they're looking for isn't available
Whoever received the call, transfers them to the voicemail system at "(815)555-1212"

Currently, it's just letting me transfer to an extension.

This phone number also isn't one that I have coming in, it's completely off-site voicemail.
That I do Dewey, that I do.

By the way everyone, I GREATLY appreciate all the help and responses I've already received. I'm very confident that with all of your help, we can get this resolved.

Dewey, does my previous post shed any different light on the solution we were working towards yesterday?
it might help dewy if you can tell him what the display says when you try to make the transfer, error messages are what I would look for or even the audible recordings thatyou hear when you try to transfer.

Communications Systems Int'l

Sorry, I'm being helped with my own problem on the Meridian thread. But, jerry's question is the one I wanted to ask.
didn't want to step on your toes but I thought the answer might be important to helping you help harlune

Communications Systems Int'l

Not at all, I appreciate you stepping in for me. We're all a team.
On the LCD Display, it gives me the option to Transfer. I press that and can transfer with no problem to another extension. When I try to press anything besides a valid numeral or pair of numerals for an existing extension, it says "Invalid Entry" and gives me the option (On the lcd) to either Cancel or Retry.
Just to recap, you've only set your telephone, to (Y)yes to Allow Redirect. Your software level is CICS 4.2. Then look under line pool codes and see if you have a digit for Pool A. Then tell me how many lines are in Pool A. How are your tels primed? When you pick up the handset, what happens?
1. Yes I've set my phone to allow redirect, I'm extension "25" if it matters.

2. Yes, software version is CICS 4.2
3. This is what I'm not sure of how to answer. I don't know where I'd go to answer this question.
4. In our "hunt group" we have 5 Phone lines (xxx)xxx-9750 through (xxx)xxx-9754.
5. My tel is primed to when I pickup the phone, it grabs an open line.
I think I have it. the dial tone youy hear on a transfer is intercom dial tone (the programmers of the system must have made an assumption that most transfers would be internal)

try dialing 9 etc etc.

Communications Systems Int'l

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