Technical User
A couple of weeks ago i noticed my monitor start to do something strange. Ocassionally when the machine was on just sitting at the desktop for example, it would go black and start flashing out of range message, after a minute or 2 of this it would flash back to the desktop just as if nothing had happened.
After this it started to happen more often like every 20 seconds it would flash out of range for a bit then go back to the desktop.
Initially i tryied changing the refresh rate, didn't work. Then i tried upgrading / downgrading the drivers, didn't work. Eventually i plugged in my old VGA cable into the graphics card and into the monitor, and it works fine.
Does anyone have any idea what would be causing this at all? I use a nvidia (Leadtek) 6800 GT and a BenQ FP91G+ monitor and have never had any problems untill now.
After this it started to happen more often like every 20 seconds it would flash out of range for a bit then go back to the desktop.
Initially i tryied changing the refresh rate, didn't work. Then i tried upgrading / downgrading the drivers, didn't work. Eventually i plugged in my old VGA cable into the graphics card and into the monitor, and it works fine.
Does anyone have any idea what would be causing this at all? I use a nvidia (Leadtek) 6800 GT and a BenQ FP91G+ monitor and have never had any problems untill now.