What does this mean? What have I done?
What I am trying to do is create a directory style list of items where sub items are indented. Everytime this function gets called I get an "Out of Memory" error.
Working with recursion, this normally wouldn't surprise me but I got this error while testing the "add item" functionality. I had just added my first item. This function should not recurse more than two deep.
Thanks in advance.
Where would one begin to study Myology?
function ItemList(Indent, Parent)
dim rtrn
dim rs
dim sql
dim d
d = string(indent," ")
sql = "SELECT ItemNum,Name,size " & _
"FROM things " & _
"WHERE parent=" & parent
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
rs.open sql, Application("ConnectionString")
while(not rs.eof)
rtrn = rtrn & _
"<tr>" & vbcrlf & _
" <td>" & rs("Name") & "</td>" & vbcrlf & _
" <td>" & rs("size") & "</td>" & vbcrlf & _
"<tr>" & vbnewline
rtrn = rtrn & ItemList(indent+1,rs("ItemNum"))
set rs = nothing
ItemList = rtrn
end function
Working with recursion, this normally wouldn't surprise me but I got this error while testing the "add item" functionality. I had just added my first item. This function should not recurse more than two deep.
Thanks in advance.
Where would one begin to study Myology?