i have exchange 5.5 running on NT4.(BDC)(no IIS)
I have the PDC running on 2000 with IIS configured on it.i would like to configure outlook web access server on my PDC.
Could you please guide me with the process.
Thanks in advance.
have you installed NT Option Pack on the Exchange server, as I have found out it required it to installed before we could you the web access to outlook, rember to upgrade your Exchange to latest SP
be sure to install IIS on what ever machine you want to host OWA on that machine (if you are going to use an NT box, I suggest to use the option pack w/ IIS on there (not the default IIS from NT) it would be even better if you used a 2000 server box for this (that is my opinion) install OWA on that BOX and in IIS you will see an entry called "EXCHANGE" that is where you click on properties and configure away the OWA.
also if you are using DNS be sure to add an appropriate A record for the machine and to also specify what port you will be using.
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