I'm curious if some folks managing rather large switches have tweaked the OBTF Value in the ADAN DCH.
If you did something other than defaults, how did you determine what value was best.
Also - did you apply the value to _all_ DCHs or just specific ones.
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If you did something other than defaults, how did you determine what value was best.
Also - did you apply the value to _all_ DCHs or just specific ones.
OBTF - From the Books said:This parameter configures how many output buffers are allocated for DCH messages outgoing from the system CP to the D-channel handling card. The more that are created, the deeper the buffering. For systems with extensive D-channel messaging, such as call centers using NACD, the parameter should be set at 127. For other systems with moderate levels of D-channel messaging, OTBF should be set at the smaller of the following two quantities: Total B-channels – (30 × MSDL cards with D-channels) or 127.
For example, if a system in a standard office environment is configured with 7 T1 spans, 2 D-channels located on two different NTBK51 daughterboards, and 2 back-up D-channels, the total number of B-channels is (7 × 24) – 4 = 164. Configure OTBF to be the smaller of 164 – (30 × 2) = 104 and 127 which is 104.
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